суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Handbook of Moral Development

MELANIE KILLEN and JUDITH G. SMETANA (Eds.) Handbook of Moral Development Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006, 808 pages (ISBN 0-8058-4751-0, US$195.00 Hardcover)


This is a big book on a big topic. Editors Melanie Killen and Judith Smetana have solicited 26 chapters on the topic of moral development, including many of the key authors and researchers currently working in the field. While the editors themselves share the perspective of "social domain" theory, the breadth of the current volume is much wider. Indeed it provides a representative overview of work ranging across the entire landscape of moral development research today. The 26 chapters are …

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