пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Allied Telesis Selected as Broadband Access Provider for North Georgia Network (NGN) Stimulus Project ; NGN recipient of first grant awarded by President Obama's National Telecommunications and Information Administration

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Allied TelesisInc., a global provider of secure IP/Ethernet switching solutionsand an industry leader in the deployment of IP Triple Play networks,announced that its solutions and services will be a major componentin the broadband infrastructure of the newly developing NorthGeorgia Network Cooperative (NGN) stimulus project. In 2009, NGNreceived a grant of $33 million from the National Telecommunicationsand Information Administration (NTIA), President Obama's principaladvisor on telecommunications and information policy. The fundingreceived by NGN was the first grant awarded under this program.

"We are very excited our technology was selected for such animportant project," said Todd Trenasty, senior vice president, NorthAmerica sales at Allied Telesis. "Allied Telesis is playing a keyrole in delivering the high-value networking infrastructure to serveeducation, healthcare, video surveillance, government and otherlocal businesses that will bring added value to NGN and thecommunities it serves. The networking infrastructure will also servethose residents seeking faster Internet connections, particularly inrural communities."

Using the funds from the stimulus grant, along with $9 million inmatching funds, NGN is building a 260-mile ultra-high speedtransport network from downtown Atlanta to North Carolina as well asseveral hundred miles of associated middle- and last-mile network.Construction began March 21, 2011. The project is expected to boostthe economy in the region and will serve as a cornerstone for theregion's economic development plans.

Allied Telesis Fiber to the x (FTTx) and Fiber to the Home (FTTH)equipment and services will deliver residential Triple Play alongwith Ethernet services to connect community institutions that willbe served by the NGN network. Specifically, NGN will deploy AlliedTelesis integrated Multiservice Access Platforms (iMAPs) as well asintelligent Multiservice Gateways (iMGs) to deliver fiber-basedbroadband services.

Allied Telesis 10 Gigabit iMAP 9810 FTTx solution will provide a1Gbps pathway over fiber to the premises and connect subscribers toNGN's Terabit WDM optical transport network. The converged IP TriplePlay services will be optically delivered to the premise usingAllied Telesis iMG 726BD-ON fiber service gateways and the AlliedTelesis AlliedView(TM) Network Management System (NMS) to provideadvanced auto-provisioning capabilities for rapid servicedeployment.

NGN chose Allied Telesis point-to-point active fiber architectureover Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) in order to leverage thecapabilities of its backbone network to support ultra-high bandwidthservices with a truly scalable high speed network. Both Blue Ridgeand Habersham EMCs, key members of the North Georgia NetworkCooperative, have enjoyed great success deploying Allied Telesisactive Ethernet FTTx for the past several years.

Allied Telesis also joined with NGN in a marketing partnership todevelop new applications and demand for enhanced fiber Ethernetservices throughout the region, targeting government, education,healthcare, businesses and other anchor institutions that wouldbenefit from next generation Ethernet solutions.

"Allied Telesis was selected for this pivotal role because itdelivers the right mix of solutions and services to meet ournetworking needs," noted Bruce Abraham, NGN president and CEO. "Webelieve that the combination of Allied Telesis technology andprofessional expertise is the perfect fit to meet the needs of ouranchor institutions that will utilize our NGN network."

About NGN

The North Georgia Network (NGN) is a non-profit company that isbuilding and managing a 260-mile fiber optic transport network todeliver broadband access to thousands of businesses, public andcommunity institutions and households in rural North Georgia. NGNwon a $33-million grant in the first round of the federal broadbandstimulus program to deploy fiber-optics associated with middle mileand last mile segments. The open access network model will enableindependent service providers to interconnect and build out theirown fiber-optic services to end users.

The network is part of a regional economic development initiativeto lay the foundation for a new, technology-based economy in theNorth Georgia region which will spur job creation by enabling start-ups, expansions and relocations of technology-reliant businesses.

About Allied Telesis

For more than 20 years, Allied Telesis has been a leadingprovider of networking infrastructure. Today the Company enablesdelivery of data, voice, and video services to a variety of clientsglobally. Allied Telesis is committed to innovating the way in whichservices and applications are delivered and managed, resulting inincreased value and lower operating costs. Visit us online atalliedtelesis.com.

For more information contact:Matt PennacchioRuder Finn for AlliedTelesisPhone: (212) 715-1613Email: pennacchiom@ruderfinn.com

SOURCE Allied Telesis Inc.

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